Blue Owl Brewing are pleased to announce the next installment of Six Pack Stories, a six-part monthly series of panel discussions illuminating the evolution of craft beer. The third panel, “Creative Control,” will feature some of the biggest names involved with the craft beer branding sharing insights on what truly goes on behind the scenes. The panel will take place at The Highball on Thursday, September 15, 2016.
A meet and greet happy hour kicks off when doors open at 6:00 PM. The panel begins at 7:00 PM. Those those joining via the globally broadcast Google Hangout are invited to enjoy a live broadcast via the Six Pack Stories youtube channel. Panelists include artists who have worked with Austin Beerworks, Modern Times Beer, Boulevard Brewing Company, Stillwater Artisanal, Blue Owl Brewing and MORE:
Christian Helms | Helms Workshop
Jessica Deahl | Jessica Deahl Illustration
Michael Van Hall | Committee on Opprobriations.
The spirited panel will conclude with an interactive Q&A session with the panelists.
Craft brew enthusiasts can join the live studio audience in Austin by purchasing tickets for $10 through Alamo Drafthouse/TicketBud. Space is limited; advance ticket purchase is encouraged. Along with admission to the event, tickets also include generous portions of craft beer and ability to bid on silent auction items from the breweries the featured designers with proceeds benefitting AIGA.