Operations Manager

The Role

The Operations Manager works with the Executive Board to support the operations and policies of the Chapter. The Operations Manager is responsible for keeping all Board members up-to-date on pertinent information and processes. Policies, procedures, and documentation are paramount to this role.


  • Maintain Google Drive (meeting minutes, agendas, photography uploads, budget reports, and other documentation)
  • Be available for support at events.
  • Check the AIGA Austin mailbox and review mail to present to Executive Board.
  • Send election results to the National office and maintaining a current Board list with the National online database.
  • Schedule and confirm meeting venue annually. 
  • Manage the cash box and keep accurate records of cash coming in and out
  • Work with the Chapter Relations Manager at AIGA National to ensure requirements are met. 
  • Maintain current list of logins and passwords.
  • Maintain storage unit dues and distribution of keys.
  • Stay up to date on AIGA National conferences and retreats.


  • Show strong organization and management skills.
  • Consistent communication among board members, AIGA members, the greater design community, and other AIGA chapters.
  • Be an active AIGA Member
  • Fulfill a 2 year term 
  • Propose and execute a succession plan

Think you or someone you know would be a great fit for this role?

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By AIGA Austin