Join the Board
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AIGA Austin is 100% volunteer-run and fueled by membership. Every single person in the AIGA Community, from first-year student to a nationally recognized professional, is involved because of their own personal passion for advancing design and building an even better creative community.

If you share that passion and are interested in putting your talents to work, we are searching for driven individuals for the following positions immediately:

Development Director
The Development Director fosters a relationship of mutual benefit between between AIGA Austin and representatives from allied fields who service the design community. This usually occurs in the form of cash or in-kind sponsorship for Chapter events. They will work closely with the Programming Director in establishing a calendar and identifying potential sponsors for Chapter events and activities.

Design Ranch Director
The Design Ranch Director organizes and leads committees associated with the Chapter’s primary biennial event, Design Ranch, for which the Director is ultimately responsible. The Director works closely with the Executive Board in all decisions regarding budget and other issues related to successfully carrying out the event.

Membership Director
The Membership Director aims to maintain and grow the local membership. In essence, this is the indirect responsibility of every Board member, but the Membership Director leads any recruiting/membership drive initiatives. The Director does this primarily by maintaining tools and reports that assist with communicating to lapsing members and by creating and using tools that demonstrate the value of membership.

Membership Chair
The Membership Chair supports the Membership Director to maintain and grow the local membership. In essence, this is the indirect responsibility of every Board member, but the Membership Chair supports any recruiting/membership drive initiatives.

Small Talks Chair
The Small Talks Chair creates and manages all working parts of the Small Talks recurring series that happens once every other month (even months on the calendar).

Email Chair
The purpose of the Email Chair is to provide event and general Chapter information to the design community, AIGA members, potential sponsors and the local community through email.

Copywriting Chair
The Copywriting Chair is responsible for the writing interesting, thoughtful copy that encourages our membership to take action.  Take briefs and work with the Programming and Communications Directors to define and refine direction if required. Develop, edit and execute concepts through rounds. Manage a committee of fellow copywriters to ensure a consistent message across all communications.

Board Explorer
The Board Explorer is a one-year commitment, pre-board position geared towards members interested in joining the AIGA Austin Board. Volunteers looking to gain experience and insight about the board can join this one-year introductory program and work alongside board members to see what board volunteerism is all about. With the ability to work on different committees, Explorers get first hand experience with different facets of board activity. Upon successful completion of the program, Board Explorers will have the opportunity to take a position on the Chapter Board.

We would love to get the chance to know you and have you serve alongside us as we shape the future of design! Get Involved!

Published July 6, 2016