Small Talks: Unlocking Your Career Potential in 2019 with RM Harrison
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Small Talks is a series of intimate events that offer first-hand views of small, local businesses in Austin. In February we’ll be spending time with RM Harrison.

You’ve climbed through the ranks as a creative, only to realize you don’t like where you’re headed. While you’re not motivated to continue down the same path, you also can’t afford to start over from scratch. Something has to change.

In this interactive roundtable workshop, facilitator, RM Harrison, will discuss the different factors that lead to feeling stuck in your career. You’ll collaborate with a small group of like-minded peers to:

  • Define (or redefine) your creative career trajectory

  • Discuss ways to re-energize your bigger picture goals

  • Identify opportunities and resources to help you move forward

Location: IBM Studios Austin, Bldg. 903, 7th Floor
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Price: FREE


Speaker Bio:

RM Harrison is a career pivot consultant, who specializes in helping ambitious women navigate career change to cultivate fulfilling, sustainable success. Through one-on-one facilitation, she guides women through redefining their career path to better align with their values, priorities, and desired impact; and helps them strategically transition into what's next without having to start over from scratch.

She is a proud member of the Ellevate Network, serving as Co-President of the Austin chapter. In addition to career strategy, RM consults on topics relating to small business management and entrepreneurship education.

When she isn’t working, you can find her out brunching, people-observing, and scouting for the best craft beer around Austin.

If you need to request any language or accessibility accommodations, please reach out to us at

When & Where
Wed, Feb 27, 2019 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM CST
IBM Design Studios
11501 Burnet Road
BLD 903 FL 7
Austin, TX 78758