Signs of Resistance: A Visual History of Protest in America with Bonnie Siegler
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Join us for an evening with award-winning graphic designer Bonnie Siegler, named one of the fifty most influential designers working today (Graphic Design USA).

AIGA Austin and BookPeople are proud to welcome Eight and a Half founder Bonnie Siegler, for a discussion of her latest book, SIGNS OF RESISTANCE: A VISUAL HISTORY OF PROTEST IN AMERICA. Find out how past generations have dealt with anger and rage in America and used their powers for good. Bonnie will then participate in a panel moderated by Rebecca McInroy (host of KUT’s “News & Brews"), along  with Alicia Weigel (Director of Policy and Advocacy at Deeds Not Words), Xochi Solis (artist and manager of the Chulita Vinyl Club)

This event is free and open to the public. Books for the signing should be purchased at BookPeople. The RSVP doesn’t result in a seat at the event; those are first come, first served.

7:00 Presentation
7:30  Panel Discussion
8:15  Book Signing

When & Where
Wed, Feb 28, 2018 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM CST
603 N Lamar Blvd
Austin, TX 78703