Individual Registration—Emo Bowl

The 2000s gave us plenty to remember—skinny jeans, youth large shirts, white belts, Dashboard Confessional, and perhaps most significantly, the emotional and rebellious ideals of Emo music. Let's embrace the existential angst, as the DJ spins our favorite jams and bowl away the night. Who says it was just a phase? Come be a part of the scene, as this is our final bowling event at Highland Lanes. It will be a night to remember and share on your LiveJournal or Myspace page.


Liaison Creative Services —


Capital Printing —

Lindenmeyr Munroe —

Industry Print Shop —

Trophies Given Out for

1st Place • 2nd Place • 3rd Place Teams

T-Shirt Design Contest Team and Individual

Most Spares • Most Splits Individual

Two top bowlers

When & Where
Wed, Jun 19, 2024 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM CDT
Highland Lanes
8909 Burnet Road
Austin, TX 78757