IBM Design, Build-a-Sign, and Spark League have joined forces to bring this amazing weekend of design thinking and making to Austin's high school students who show outstanding commitment to their community.

So What is This Event?
Over the 3.5 days, students will break into teams and ideate new solutions to real world problems using the latest design tools and methodologies, such as IBM Design Thinking and agile. A team of industry design, development, and research mentors will guide the student teams to success.
This experience is for the entire weekend of June 9th-12th
Fri 6-10pm
Sat 10am-10pm
Sun 10am-5pm
Mon 3pm-6pm (final presentations)

Design Brief
Research shows that increased family engagement leads to better outcomes for students. How might we improve the public education experience through better family engagement?
To inspire those students who have the spark to create and make change, but may not know how to get started and/or don't know what career paths would be open to them in the future.
Limited spots of only 40 students, with some of the spots will be provided free-of-charge for students seeking financial support. The other spots are available through this page for a minimum donation of $50. By the end they will have gained the confidence and skills to: the collaborative skills needed to work effectively in a team new relationships with like-minded peers and industry professional mentors the rush and feeling of pride that comes with going from problem to solution in three days time- - create a new solution and pitch it
NO PREVIOUS (DESIGN, PROGRAMMING, ETC.) EXPERIENCE NEEDED Meals: All meals, drinks, and snacks provided