AIGA Austin Giving Voice Poster Show 2017
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VSA Texas and AIGA Austin partner in the Giving Voice Poster Exhibition in which professional graphic designers mentor young adults to create artwork with a message.

This mentoring program strives to empower young adults with disabilities ages 16-24 to give voice to a social cause. Working together with a professional graphic designer, these young adults have the opportunity to express something that is significant to them, and, more importantly, have someone to listen. At the same time learning valuable graphic design skills from a professional one-on-one. 

We are so pleased that Giving Voice 2017 is an official participant on the East Austin Studio Tour this year!

Free for both AIGA members and non-members!

When & Where
Sat, Nov 18, 2017 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM CST
Terrazas Branch, Austin Public Library
1105 East Cesar Chavez Street
Austin, TX 78702