Team Registration: I Need Space Bowl

Join us for an Intergalatic Bowling Tournament. Sign up your team of 4. Your first drink is on us. Each bowler will get a goodie bag with free drink coupon, woven patch, and other sponsor gifts. Going solo? Sign up as an "Individual Registration" on Eventbrite and we will place you on a team.


Neenah Paper • Liaison Creative • Capital Printing Co. • Lindenmeyr Munroe • Darling Promo

Trophies Given Out for

•1st Place •2nd Place •3rd Place Teams

• Out of this World T-Shirt Design Contest Team and Individual

• Most Strikes •Most Spares •Most Splits Individual

Every year, we award two top bowlers and this year we are naming those after Neil Armstrong and Sally Ride. Historically this has been for the highest score for a man and a woman at the tournament. Please select whichever award category you would like to compete in that is closest aligned with your gender or preference.

AIGA Austin's "I Need More Space" Bowl will begin at 6:30 p.m. - That will allow you time to sign in, get your shoes, find your lane, and get your ball.

6:45 PRACTICE | 10 Minute Warm Up

7 00 TOURNAMENT BEGINS First two games for tournament and to set a handicap average against 210 points. This makes everyone competitive. Third game is strictly FUN.

We will give out trophies at 9:45 pm

Have any feedback about this signup experience? Please email us at

When & Where
Wed, Jun 15, 2022 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM CDT
Highland Lanes
8909 Burnet Road
Austin, TX 78757