The Role
Position AIGA to be a resource for the board and the Austin design and business community. The President focuses on the vision and direction of the Board of Directors. This person is the primary contact between the Chapter and the national office. The President is responsible for communicating the National agenda to the local Chapter and shares responsibility with the Vice President for running Board meetings, setting an agenda and keeping the Board focused on its mission and objectives. The President works closely with Board members, and initiates and/or decides upon significant proposals that affect the entire Chapter. The President is responsible for maintaining and communicating the Chapter charter and Chapter bylaws.
- Create more opportunities for designers to come together and collaborate on projects that help Austin communities.
- Help make Austin a world class design community.
- Assure that the Chapter pursues its mission consistently with its goals and objectives and assuring the accountability of the organization to the interests of the Members.
- Ensure that the accountability of the Chapter and its Board of Directors — to each other and the community.
As President, you will manage a variety of responsibilities:
- Create and distribute agendas for meetings.
- Attend monthly National Presidents call
- Perform or delegate specific duties agreed upon by the Executive Board and/or included in the Chapter bylaws (i.e., soliciting signed Board Agreements).
- Participate in the monthly Presidents’ Council call.
- Proof Chapter promotional materials;
- Meet with student faculty advisors, members of the chapter, visiting members, students, and sponsors at need.
- Coordinate and run Advisory Board meetings (4x/year).
- Ensure local chapter content is current on
- Review, approve or make suggestions to all event and budget proposals.
Manage Chapter Board list
- Show strong organization and management skills.
- Consistent communication among board members, AIGA members, the greater design community, other AIGA chapters, and AIGA National.
- Be an active AIGA Member
- Fulfill a 2 year term
- Propose and execute a succession plan
Think you or someone you know would be a great fit for this role?