2018 AIGA Austin Fellow Award Nominations
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The Fellow Award program is a means of recognizing designers who have made a significant contribution to raising the standards of excellence in practice and conduct within their local or regional design community as well as in their local AIGA chapter.

The Fellow Award is bestowed on an individual in recognition of significant personal and professional contributions to raising the standards of excellence within the design community.

Complete the Typeform by April 30th to nominate the individual you feel best earned this award. Only current AIGA members may make nominations.

To qualify for the award, the nominee must be:

  • A practitioner and/or educator with more than fifteen (15) years experience in the profession
  • A member in good standing at the time of nomination
  • Making or have made a significant contribution to AIGA
  • Making or have made a positive impact within their local or regional design community
  • Advancing or have advanced excellence in design as a discipline, profession, and cultural force.

The AIGA Austin Chapter only nominates a Fellow every 2-3 years, so be sure to get your nomination in today. We honor the recipient at a sophisticated awards ceremony in the Fall. Details of this event will be posted in the near future.

Log in here to make your submission. Please note you will have to write a description of why your nominee should receive the AIGA Fellow Award.

Previous AIGA Austin Fellow Award recipients:

2007: Mike Hicks
2010: DJ Stout
2013: Lowell Williams
2015: Judy Schulz
2015: Rex Peteet

When & Where
Wed, Feb 28, 2018 - Mon, Apr 30, 2018